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Plasma Skin Regeneration FAQs

What is Plasma Skin Regeneration?
Plasma Skin Regeneration (PSR) is an innovative skin treatment that’s considered a breakthrough in skin resurfacing. It uses targeted plasma energy to quickly heat the skin’s surface, rejuvenating it without harming the surrounding areas.

What can Plasma Skin Regeneration treat?
PSR can refresh your skin, reduce signs of aging, and minimize scars. At The Medical Chambers Kensington, the treatment is tailored to your individual needs. It can help with:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Age spots and sun damage
  • Dull or lifeless skin
  • Mild acne scars
  • Uneven pigmentation and melasma

For deeper regeneration, PSR boosts collagen production and remodels tissue, helping with:

  • Tightening loose skin
  • Improving jawline definition
  • Reducing acne scars
  • Enhancing the appearance of stretch marks
  • Treating actinic keratoses

Recovery from Plasma Skin Regeneration
Your recovery time will depend on your skin type and the depth of the treatment:

  • Superficial PSR: Minimal downtime. You might experience mild redness, peeling, and soreness for about 3-4 days.
  • Deep PSR: More recovery time needed. Your skin may be red, swollen, and irritated for up to two weeks. Some areas might turn brown, crust, and peel, revealing new skin underneath.

After treatment, avoid touching or picking at the sensitive areas. It’s essential to stay out of strong sunlight and use effective sunscreen. Your consultant will suggest soothing treatments and tips for managing redness and aftercare.

Why choose The Medical Chambers Kensington for Plasma Skin Regeneration?
The Medical Chambers Kensington offers professional, safe, and effective care in a modern clinic.

  • Consultant-delivered service: All patients are treated by highly qualified dermatologists with extensive experience.
  • Reliable treatments: Our consultants use the latest NeoGen Evo device for consistent results.
  • Established reputation: For over ten years, we’ve built a reputation for excellence and high standards.
  • Comprehensive care: We have a team of leading consultants across specialties, allowing for quick referrals if needed.
  • Personalized treatment plans: Our approach is individualized; your consultant will assess your skin and goals before recommending the best treatment plan.

What happens during Plasma Skin Regeneration?
Your consultant will evaluate your skin and apply a topical anesthetic to minimize discomfort. The NeoGen device will be adjusted to suit your needs, converting nitrogen gas into plasma. The device emits controlled pulses of plasma energy to heat the skin, promoting new skin cell growth and boosting collagen and elastin production. The treatment is generally painless; you may feel some heat, but it shouldn’t be uncomfortable.

Preparation for Plasma Skin Regeneration
Preparing properly can reduce complications and speed up recovery. We recommend:

  • Stopping strong skincare products, like retinol, glycolic acid, and vitamin A derivatives.
  • Discussing any medications that might increase bruising, like aspirin or anti-inflammatories, with your consultant or GP.
  • If you have a history of cold sores, ask your GP for antiviral medication to prevent outbreaks.

Complications of Plasma Skin Regeneration
PSR is very safe, but there can be side effects, especially with deeper treatments:

  • Pigmentation issues: You might notice uneven skin tone, especially if you’re on the pill, pregnant, or breastfeeding. It’s also more common in people with darker skin.
  • Skin scarring: Not recommended for those with a history of keloid scarring.
  • Infection: Your consultant may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection.
  • Cold sores: Treatment can trigger outbreaks; discuss preventive antiviral medication with your doctor.

Post time: Oct-11-2024