Why Choose FemiMED?
The main protein in your skin is collagen and it keeps your skin looking young and line free. FemiMED uses a laser beam and breaks it up into many small beams which create tiny, microscopic
holes in the skin. The tiny holes cause enough injury to promote new colagen reproduction, putting it into overdrive, creating extra collagen which reduces wrinkles, fine lines, burns, scars and new
stretch marks. The end result is that Fractional Co2 Laser treatments achieve true resurfacing efficiently and with comfort.
When Will I See Results From my Fractional Co2 Treatment?
Results will begin to show approximately two months after the treatment is completed. Your body will be sending collagen, blood, water and oxygen to your treatment area which will tighten and
smooth the skin. The Fractional Co2 treatment takes a bit of time to show results because it’s helping the natural body cycle, however the treatment is much more longer term with the results
being visible for 1-6 years based on studies.